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PERIKIN upgraded from Expensify to Emburse


PERIKIN Enterprises, LLC (PERIKIN) used Expensify for expense management, but found the solution lacking in several key areas which led AP to implement inefficient, manual workarounds such as tracking physical receipts, in an attempt to control spending and manage policy. As a government contractor, lack of an accurate audit trail posed significant compliance concerns.
Looking to increase efficiency and control, PERIKIN upgraded to Emburse for expense and invoice management.

Emburse solution

Since implementing their Emburse solutions, PERIKIN gained visibility and control of spending. The system provided a digital audit trail of all expenses and invoices, and the integration with QuickBooks enabled more accurate reporting and forecasting. Additionally, the AmTrav integration pushes travel booking documentation into the expense system, creating a central T&E database.

PERIKIN gained efficiency through system-built rules and workflows. AP trusts the solution to automatically enforce policy compliance and accurately route expense and invoice submissions for approval. The result is more ownership for users and managers, a reduced burden on AP, and more time for strategic work. Additionally, since switching from Expensify, users are reimbursed faster—typically within one week.

As they continue to grow, PERIKIN expects their Emburse solutions to enable AP to manage an increased volume without additional headcount.

"Automation enables our company to grow without hurdles, and ensures efficient AP processes.”

Adriana Anderson

Staff Accountant & Payroll Specialist


Download PERIKIN’s case study for all the details on how they:

  • Leveraged integrations to centralize data and increase visibility
  • Reduced time spent processing expenses and invoices by 75%
  • Improved compliance and enabled a digital audit trail
  • Expedited reimbursements by automating approval workflows
  • Supported growth without requiring new AP headcount