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How Nexonia Helped ESG Drive Up Productivity for Its Finance Team

October 27, 2020

3 min read

How Nexonia Helped ESG Drive Up Productivity for Its Finance Team

For years, ESG Automotive used QuickBooks and BigTime to manage its accounting and time tracking needs. But the integration between the two systems was faulty at best. Major crashes were frequent, especially when closing the books, requiring time-consuming workarounds for ESG’s finance team.

Even ERPs have their limits

ESG eventually upgraded to Oracle NetSuite as a means of centralizing its financial technology. It wasn’t long before the team identified some lacking time tracking features they desired. “With NetSuite, there was no way to limit the amount of PTO employees could input, which left a lot of room for fraudulent entries and user errors,” said Cynthia Pepperman, Director of Finance and Accounting at ESG Automotive.

Compounding the situation, the company’s global workforce didn’t have mobile access to the system. Everything had to be submitted via the desktop interface. And the in-house finance team spent at least six hours a week just managing employee time reports and auditing PTO entries.

Pepperman explained, “We needed a solution that would not only integrate seamlessly with NetSuite from a finance perspective, but would also be accessible and easy to use for our remote employees.”

The search for a synchronized solution

After a thorough RFP process, ESG selected Nexonia. The accessibility helped ESG’s finance team focus on adding strategic value instead of tiresome manual tasks. Or worse, chasing down receipts. The solution simplified tracking of expenses and time off throughout the organization. Specific features cemented the choice, including:

  • Integration with Oracle NetSuite: ESG’s top priority was finding a solution that could easily integrate with NetSuite to centralize timekeeping and expense management while keeping the GL protected.
  • Mobile Capabilities: With 200+ employees working at offsite locations, ESG needed a mobile solution that could be accessed anywhere, anytime, and from any device.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Nexonia’s seamless integration with NetSuite smoothed out a bumpy close, streamlined the audit process, and gave finance greater visibility into liabilities.
  • Custom Workflows and Automated Notifications: Configurable workflows and notifications save finance 24 hours per month without micromanaging expense and time off approvers or submitters.
  • Training Videos: ESG created custom training videos that are featured within the product’s home screen. This makes training highly accessible and promotes employee adoption.

“We love that it’s such a seamless sync between the two systems,” said Pepperman. “The integration has saved the finance team a significant amount of time, while also improving our accuracy around billing and invoicing.”